Vanshika Kumar
3 min readAug 2, 2021
Love is not only a four lettered word, but the actions that are brought into place with it.

Sometimes love isn’t what we expect it to be, its not always the magical fairy-tail that wanders in our minds or the rumbling of butterflies in ours stomach. Love is something that we all are still searching for, love is undefinable, something way more precious than words can describe. The feeling of being in love is one of the most precious feelings, it changes us, it brings out a side, we’ve never visited. It leads us to roads we never took in the past. As easily as it’s spelt out, it’s as complicating as it can be. To love is to be able to express yourself, to share yourself with someone you know is the one. It’s the bond that unites people, one that unites bodies, heartbeats, words, smiles and so much more. True Love brings out the best in a person, the affection they have towards their partner reflects upon themselves. Love speaks through someone’s hidden words stored in their hearts. The sparkling of the eyes, the endless smiles on your brim, the restless sleep nights, catching yourself losing in thoughts of your loved one are all aspect of love. We may love many around us, we love the things that bring joy to us, but the love you have for the someone “special or the one” is beyond what the mind has in place, it’s beyond the words you’d find to phrase. When we fall in love, it seems all perfect, with the same affection, it’s like the flourishing of flowers in spring, everything feels fresh, but with time, things change, our feelings change, some get deeper while some slip away, losing hope, draining themselves in senseless thoughts. It’s easy to say we love someone, but to express it, to make it work, to show it through your actions and not only saying it merely with your words is what Love is. Coming out of your comfort to face these challenges is what true admiration is. It’s the reassurance that we only belong to that someone special, unwilling to share ourselves with someone else. Loving someone comes with a whole package. Of course we’d wonder what it takes to store in the four lettered word, but Love requires faith, strength, hope, encouragement, loyalty, warmth, comfort, compassion, intimacy, fondness, and most importantly to be considerate and thoughtful about your partners choices. There may be cross roads when you’d want to give it all up, but remember that there’s a person on the other side who put endless efforts to form a special bond, they’d never want to share with someone else. They’ve chosen you and its for a distinctive reason they’ve chosen you to be their someone special! Giving up may seem the easy way out, but again love isn’t easy at all times, it will put you down, but always remember fighting for it from both the sides equally brings immense pleasure and joy. Nothing in this world can enlighten that spark inside of you as much as the power of LOVE can.



Vanshika Kumar

A writer who’s making through the various chapters of life